How Weight Watchers Helped Erica Lose 110 Pounds
Erica's Journey To Better Health
Erica's Weight Watchers journey began when she came to the startling realization that she could no longer find her clothes size in several of her favorite stores. Gone were the days of buying the clothes and styles she wanted to wear and instead having to settle on styles she didn't care for because they were the only ones that fit. Social activities and fitness took a backseat, since Erica wasn't comfortable trying new things at her size, and as her weight continued to climb, her self-confidence grew more and more dim. With her weight troubles hanging over her day in and day out, Erica knew it was time to get serious, and so she turned to Weight Watchers.
Weight Watchers New Campaign
Weight Watchers: Feelings Matter
So, it's after Thanksgiving and if I was the gambling type, I would say that most of you reading this probably feel like a Butterball turkey or the Pillsbury dough boy right now. Am I right? What is it about the holidays that make us go hog wild and abandon our good sense when it comes to healthy eating? With their new promotional campaign, aptly called "Help With The Hard Part", Weight Watchers is taking on the tough battle that billions of people deal with around the holidays, and some on a day-to-day basis, and that is emotional eating.
How Weight Watchers Promotes Sustainable Living
What is sustainable living?
Sustainable living means leading a style of life that employs the minimum amount of resources. It’s a lifestyle that results in the least amount of environmental damage, ensuring a more human-friendly environment for future generations.
What is Weight Watchers New Simple Start?
In addition to its standard weight loss program, Weight Watchers has recently launched its new program, Simple Start. If you are someone looking for a quick weight loss boost that’s so easy it’s considered a no-brainer, Simple Start was specifically designed with you in mind.