How Weight Watchers Helped Erica Lose 110 Pounds

Erica's Journey To Better Health

Erica's Weight Watchers journey began when she came to the startling realization that she could no longer find her clothes size in several of her favorite stores. Gone were the days of buying the clothes and styles she wanted to wear and instead having to settle on styles she didn't care for because they were the only ones that fit. Social activities and fitness took a backseat, since Erica wasn't comfortable trying new things at her size, and as her weight continued to climb, her self-confidence grew more and more dim. With her weight troubles hanging over her day in and day out, Erica knew it was time to get serious, and so she turned to Weight Watchers. 

After joining the program, she began to focus more on her portion sizes, and as the weight fell off, exercise became something she enjoyed doing once again. Not only did the increase in activity help her lose weight, but it also kept her stress level and state of mind on an even keel. Erica will tell any prospective member that meetings are a must, and she still garners strength from her Saturday meeting leader and the others attending who have been so supportive along her journey to better health. Erica also stresses the importance of having a Monthly Pass membership, since this allows each Weight Watchers member to enjoy the eTools found online. The message boards and phone app's are just a couple of her favorite eTools components.

Losing the weight has given Erica back her confidence, and she encourages others to set small goals, especially if they have a lot of weight to lose, as she did. She set ten pound goals and celebrated every milestone she conquered, and although the journey was long, she maintained her patience because she knew the end result was possible. 

Erica’s Tips

Here are just a few of the things Erica learned along her path to better health that all Weight Watchers members can benefit from. 

  • If you're looking for inspiration, visit the message boards on the Weight Watchers website. You can find a ton of new recipes to try and lots of tips from seasoned program members. 
  • Don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry and always make a list before you go. Stick to that list and avoid junk food impulse buying. 
  • Bring a permanent marker to the grocery store with you, along with your PointsPlus calculator. Calculate the Points value of the foods you're buying and write it on the package, so you won't have to go through the trouble of figuring them out once you get home. 
  • Don't let restaurants be a downfall. Enjoy your evening out, but don't go overboard. Make the healthiest choices possible with what is available to you. 
  • Use a promo code for Weight Watchers.
  • Enjoy the things you love in moderation. Don't over-indulge on your favorite treats, but do give in every once in a while to avoid boredom. Don't restrict your favorite foods because denying yourself will only lead to anger and overeating.